Monday, March 14, 2011

Wiki Kate Kates Playground

First Sunday of Lent that of spiritual warfare exercises

The Pope's Angelus: to fight against sin and the sinner saved

the Pope at the Angelus in St. Peter's Square today, recalling the first Sunday of Lent today, invited to seek True freedom, rediscovering the sense of sin, "a root cause of all evil." The real fight is against the spirit of evil must be opposed to sin, then, and save the sinner. The service Sergio Centofanti . RealAudio MP3

Lent in the Church is a spiritual journey of preparation for Easter. "This is - Said the Pope - to follow Jesus that goes straight to the Cross, the culmination of his mission of salvation ":

" If we ask ourselves: Why Lent? for the Cross', the answer in radical terms, is this: why is there evil, in fact, sin, which according to the Scriptures is the root cause of all evil. "

"But this statement - he continued - is not at all obvious, and the same word 'sin' is not accepted by many, because it assumes a religious vision of the world and of man":

"In fact it is true: If you remove God from the horizon of the world, one can not speak of sin. Like when you hide the sun, the shadows disappear, the shadow only appears if it's sunny, so the eclipse of God necessarily involves the eclipse of sin. So the sense of sin - which is something different from the 'guilt' as understood by psychology - you buy rediscovering the sense of God. "

"In the face of moral evil - said Benedict XVI - God's attitude is to oppose the sin and save the sinner"

"God does not tolerate evil because it is love, justice, loyalty, and for this reason does not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live. To save humanity, God says to them: we see throughout the history of the Jewish liberation from Egypt. God is determined to free his children from bondage and lead them to freedom. And slavery more severe and deeper than it is sin. "

why God sent his Son into the world "to free men from the dominion of Satan, 'origin and cause of all sin'. He sent in our mortal flesh - the Pope said - that he might become an expiatory victim, dying on the cross for us, "

" Against this definitive and universal plan of salvation, the Devil has opposed with all his strength, as evidenced in particular the Gospel of temptations of Jesus in the desert, which is proclaimed every year in the First Sunday of Lent. In fact, entering this liturgical season means every time stand with Christ against sin, deal with - both as individuals and as a Church - the spiritual battle against the spirit of evil. "

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Lent: Awareness of the personal journey of holiness

Second day of Lenten spiritual exercises in the Vatican. The interview with the preacher, father Léthel

Benedict XVI and the Roman Curia are currently engaged in second day of the Lenten spiritual exercises. A day marked by Marian themes, but not limited to, compared to John Paul II. The title of the first of the three ideas proposed by the preacher - the Discalced Carmelite Father François-Marie Léthel - so says "The big science of the saints" (St. Louis Marie de Montfort) in Heaven as on Earth: Scientia blessed scientia fidei scientia amoris (from Fides et Ratio to Novo Millennium Ineunte). The cover the second meditation Totus Tuus Christocentric and Marian Karol Wojtyla, as a common thread throughout his life (Jn 19, 25-27, and Letter to the men and women religious of the Montfort Family of 8 December 2003), while the third meditation will be the glory of love, faith and hope experienced by John Paul II with Mary. During the week of spiritual exercises, which will end next Saturday, are suspended all the proceedings of the Pope, including the Wednesday general audience. Amedeo Lomonaco Léthel father asked the spirit in which it is prepared for this retreat: RealAudio MP3

R. - I was deep in prayer, I said yes. The great event was the beatification of John Paul II, so I had to set the course of spiritual exercises as a preparation for the beatification of John Paul II. For me, then, this is a mission, something that comes from God I feel very little before this, but I trust the Lord and Lady.

D. - Why did you choose the theme of the exercises: "The light of Christ in the heart of the Church, Pope John Paul II and the Theology of the Saints"?

R. - For many years the study of saints. This theme of holiness has always been the center of all my theological research. The saints are the great witnesses of the holiness of the Church and therefore, through their testimony, their thinking, experience, shines the light of Christ. John Paul II is the Pope's holiness and his Beatification is the official recognition of his holiness. And 'that the Pope has proclaimed more saints and blessed. And 'the Pope who brought the Saints not only as examples of Christian perfection, as well as theologians in the highest sense, as connoisseurs of God presented them as porters, in today's world, this light of Christ.

D. - How to develop his meditations?

R. - Already the Vatican Publishing House has prepared for the participants, a very nice booklet and put on the cover a painting by Fra Angelico, which represents the circle of Saints. The saints of heaven shake hands with one another. For me, this picture is the icon of these exercises. We start then by Pope John Paul II: it is he who, in the grace of his beatification, this guide provides an immediate circle and the hand to the two Saints more attached to him. First St. Louis de Montfort, who inspired his "Totus Tuus". Immediately after giving a hand to St. Therese of Lisieux, whom John Paul II had proclaimed "Doctor", expert of science love. St. Therese of Lisieux shake hands with the two great Doctors of the science of faith, which Anselm and Thomas, who cited John Paul II in Fides et Ratio ". I also wanted to integrate the two Saints, the late Middle Ages: St. Catherine of Siena and St. Joan of Arc who lived a very dramatic moment for the world and the Church. There were so many problems, so many wounds. There will then lay two: the venerable Conchita Cabrera de Armida, a great mystic, and Beata Chiara Luce Badano, who died in 1990, which is also the first blessed of the Focolare Movement. We will end with the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19. The final meditation is really dedicated to St. Joseph, the patron of the Baptism of the Pope circle will end with him.

D. - How important is this experience for the community of Discalced Carmelites?

R. - This choice of the Pope certainly touched me personally, but was also a great joy for my brother. E 'therefore something that we live in the community. All the Order of Caramel, the Caramel, pray for the Pope, but also for the Carmelite preacher. It 'something that truly involves the whole Carmelite family.

D. - It involves the whole Carmelite family and involves the whole community of believers. What wishes to the faithful for this Lent 2011?

R. - I wish to take a deeper awareness of their vocation to holiness . Too often the faithful believe that the Saints are a bit 'as aliens, meaning people without faults, but is not so. Saints were people like us , with their limitations, their wounds had committed in their sins, but at some point they decided to follow Jesus completely. This is what I wish all the people of God, even to prepare for this great event that will really be something great for everyone: the beatification of John Paul II. Preparations must be made more aware of taking personal vocation to holiness and making progress in prayer, Christian life, in charity toward others. (Vv)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Skitag - Pale San Martino ski

Pale di San Martino from top Rosetta

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Scorpio Males Disappearing

We knew it and said ....

March 5, 2011

persecuted Christians

Bhatti, Pakistani bishops call for recognition

The Catholic Bishops Conference of Pakistan, which will meet for its General Assembly in Multan, in Punjab, 20 to 25 March, will examine the proposal to formally submit the request to the Holy See to declare a "martyr" the Catholic Minister Shahbaz Bhatti. The Archbishop told Fides. Andrew Francis, Bishop of Multan and president of the Episcopal Commission for Interreligious Dialogue in Pakistan.

According to the bishop, writer of the proposal to be voted on by the Episcopal Conference, "Bhatti is a man who gave his life for the crystalline faith in Jesus Christ. It is the responsibility of us bishops to report his story and his experience in the Church Rome to demand official recognition of his martyrdom. "

A Catholic, the Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bbhatti Pakistani and a Muslim, the Governor of the State of Punjab, Salman Taseer: "Both were killed for the same reason: because they were opposed to the blasphemy law, a law which in itself is truly blasphemous, because in the name of God is the cause of injustice and death." reminds us in his editorial Octava Dies, the weekly information of the Vatican Television Center, the spokesman of the Vatican press office, Father Federico Lombardi

"We both knew it risked life, because they had been explicitly threatened with death. Still have not given up their struggle for religious freedom, against the violent fanaticism, and have paid the ultimate price with their blood, "says Lombardi, for whom the figure of Bhatti" already grandeggia like a brave witness of faith and justice. "

The two of them dead," inspire us, paradoxically, also a leap of hope, because it associates a Muslim and a Christian in the blood shed for the same cause. There is only dialogue of mutual understanding and dialogue in the common commitments for the good of people. From the dialog box is passed to the life of the testimony in death, at the price of his own blood, because the name of God is not upset in the instrument of injustice. "

" In memory of Taseer and Bhatti, the deep sense of gratitude for how they lived and how they died - said Father Lombardi -, the true worshipers of God will continue to fight - and die if necessary - for religious freedom, justice and peace. What greater encouragement to walk together towards Assisi? ".
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