Saturday, March 5, 2011

Scorpio Males Disappearing

We knew it and said ....

March 5, 2011

persecuted Christians

Bhatti, Pakistani bishops call for recognition

The Catholic Bishops Conference of Pakistan, which will meet for its General Assembly in Multan, in Punjab, 20 to 25 March, will examine the proposal to formally submit the request to the Holy See to declare a "martyr" the Catholic Minister Shahbaz Bhatti. The Archbishop told Fides. Andrew Francis, Bishop of Multan and president of the Episcopal Commission for Interreligious Dialogue in Pakistan.

According to the bishop, writer of the proposal to be voted on by the Episcopal Conference, "Bhatti is a man who gave his life for the crystalline faith in Jesus Christ. It is the responsibility of us bishops to report his story and his experience in the Church Rome to demand official recognition of his martyrdom. "

A Catholic, the Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bbhatti Pakistani and a Muslim, the Governor of the State of Punjab, Salman Taseer: "Both were killed for the same reason: because they were opposed to the blasphemy law, a law which in itself is truly blasphemous, because in the name of God is the cause of injustice and death." reminds us in his editorial Octava Dies, the weekly information of the Vatican Television Center, the spokesman of the Vatican press office, Father Federico Lombardi

"We both knew it risked life, because they had been explicitly threatened with death. Still have not given up their struggle for religious freedom, against the violent fanaticism, and have paid the ultimate price with their blood, "says Lombardi, for whom the figure of Bhatti" already grandeggia like a brave witness of faith and justice. "

The two of them dead," inspire us, paradoxically, also a leap of hope, because it associates a Muslim and a Christian in the blood shed for the same cause. There is only dialogue of mutual understanding and dialogue in the common commitments for the good of people. From the dialog box is passed to the life of the testimony in death, at the price of his own blood, because the name of God is not upset in the instrument of injustice. "

" In memory of Taseer and Bhatti, the deep sense of gratitude for how they lived and how they died - said Father Lombardi -, the true worshipers of God will continue to fight - and die if necessary - for religious freedom, justice and peace. What greater encouragement to walk together towards Assisi? ".
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