Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does Anyone Do Movies Like Mario Salieri

Findings of the lay faithful p.Lombardi

Father Lombardi: Pakistani Christians affected by hatred, religious freedom is dramatic urgency

"The assassination of Pakistan's minister for minorities, Shabbaz Bhatti, is a new fact of terrible violence of gravity. It shows just how persistent intervention of the Pope about the violence against Christians and against religious freedom in general "is what the director said of the Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, in response to questions from journalists. "Bhatti - said the Vatican spokesman - was the first Catholic to hold such a post. Recall that it was received by the Pope last September, had given testimony of its commitment to peaceful coexistence between religious communities in his country. To pray for the victim, the condemnation of the unspeakable acts of violence, the proximity to the Pakistani Christians hate so impressed - he concludes Father Lombardi - joined the appeal because everyone recognizes the urgency of the dramatic defense of religious freedom and Christians subjected to violence and persecution. " RealAudio MP3


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