Monday, February 28, 2011

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cute Saying For Picnik

Providence: A Mother for us!

not be weary, do not worry, do not follow false satisfaction!
Yes, but how?
the Pope invites us to abandon ourselves to God the Father, we find that even at this tender Providence mother. 'He who has created the mother's heart!

A love that searches us in every phase, which does not abandon us and leave us a moment that if the hand is to make us walk with our legs and realize what direction we really want to go.

We need to think and to do this week in memory of this passionate love and be surprised to see him. We ask for this to himself!

Home > Church > News of 02/27/2011 13:47:41
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The Pope's Angelus remember that you can not serve two masters: God and wealth, then calls to live with simplicity and sobriety

We can not serve two masters: God and wealth. The Pope at the Angelus asks to have faith in Providence and to adopt a simple lifestyle and sober, respect for creation. The service Roberta Gisotti: RealAudio MP3

Trusting in Providence and I commend all the anxieties, difficulties and concerns for the future. The invitation of Benedict XVI, inspired by the words of Isaiah in the Sunday liturgy and the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus exhorts his disciples not to worry about things that go looking for the Gentiles, so do not ask "What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear "and to trust in our Heavenly Father who knows our needs. A discussion of this Jesus - said the Pope - that "might seem unrealistic, if not evasive," "considering the situation of many people, both near and far, living in misery."

"In fact, the Lord wants us to understand clearly that you can not serve two masters; God and wealth. Those who believe in God the Father, full of love for her children, gives top priority to the search of his kingdom, his will. "

"And that - said the Holy Father - is the very opposite of fatalism or a naive irenicism."

"Faith in Providence, in fact, not exempt from the hard struggle for a dignified life but free from care and fear for the things of tomorrow. "

"It 's clear that this teaching of Jesus - added Benedict XVI - though still true and valid for all, is practiced in ways different according to different vocations "

" a Franciscan friar will follow in a more radical, while a family must take account of their duties to the wife and children. In any case, however, the Christian is characterized by absolute trust in Heavenly Father, as was Jesus '

It' just because "the relationship with God the Father - explained the Pope - that gives meaning to the whole life of Christ, in his words, his deeds of salvation, until his passion, death and resurrection.

"Jesus showed us what means to live with his feet firmly on the ground, alert to the concrete situations of others, and at the same time keeping my heart in Heaven, immersed in God's mercy. "

the Mother of Divine Providence Pope Benedict XVI has entrusted our lives, the Church's journey, the vicissitudes of history.

"In particular, let us invoke his intercession so that we all learn to live a more simple and sober style in everyday activity and in respect of creation, that God has entrusted to our custody."

After the Marian prayer, greetings in various languages \u200b\u200bto the faithful and tourists gathered in the square S. Peter. Went to a particular address is reached in representation on the International Day for rare diseases, which the Pope has secured a special prayer, wishing to progress research in this field. Day to be celebrated tomorrow under the slogan "Rare but equal."

Friday, February 25, 2011

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The future of 'Friendship

Thanks to Father Lombardi, who on this day in which the liturgy recalls the deep meaning of friendship, we are invited to open the endless boundaries of the Heart and Reason!

not fear, but friendship Father Lombardi's editorial on the tensions in Arab countries

on events in recent weeks that are shaking the Arab countries focuses our director, Father Federico Lombardi , in his editorial for Octava Dies , the weekly information of the Vatican Television Center: RealAudio MP3

The accompanying violence - in particular in Libya - the resistance to the spread of the movement of transformation of the political situation in Arab countries are of course a source of great sorrow for the suffering of victims and populations, as well as concerns about the outcome of the process in progress, since violence always threatens to make the peace more difficult. Certainly in many countries it is a great revolution, experts hope that with the eye of observers see as a possible "springtime of the Arab world." I recognize that Western nations were being educated largely by surprise. Many understand that any real growth of the Arab peoples in freedom and democracy must come primarily from within, without outside interference counterproductive. Others have especially fear and tend to close in defense. It seems to us that in addition to availability and initiative needed due respect for the real help in difficult situations that any transformation carries with it profound, and then the friendship and dialogue between peoples and cultures, now more than ever before.

The request for news among young people, there are two major components to be considered. Through links with emigration, many have a positive idea of \u200b\u200bthe European world, human rights, democracy and freedom. Thanks to the new possibilities of communication, many feel open to dialogue and willing to be part of a worldwide community. As always, new possibilities are also related to new risks. But if they are not used for their positive, negative certainly prevail.

If close to us, on the southern shore of quell'ormai narrow sea is the Mediterranean, there are many young people eager to human growth in larger freedom, we can not do everything in us to enter without fear into positive dialogue with them, learning to each other our different languages.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Lift up your eyes to God, Bellarmine

"O soul, your sample is God, infinite beauty, light without shadows, brightness that exceeds that of the moon and sun. Lift up your eyes to God in which there are the archetypes of all things, and from which, as a source of endless fertility, this comes almost infinite variety of things. Therefore you must conclude: Who is God is everything, God loser loses everything. "
the Bellarmine teaches with great clarity and example of life that there can be no true reform of the Church if the first is not our own reform and the conversion of our heart.

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Rondoni: Maghreb to freedom

Freedom cry. That awaken our

Freedom cry. It talks about the web, talk about our newspapers. The crazy schemes that are challenging and bombs, ten power structures, question our freedom. Subject themselves to danger and violence across the Maghreb and the Arab world for bread and freedom. I would like first of all possible policy analysis, for fear of future scenarios, the accusations of speculation on commodities, and before the awareness of the consequences, especially in Italy you will, come, straight as a sword, the big question: freedom moving men. Even where it seems impossible.

Sure, they ask for bread riots along with freedom. Situations become intolerable from the point of view of society have turned on their head. But as always happens, the misconduct and the need for a particular good (the bread) showed a more obvious the lack of a greater good (freedom). The man is like that. He always wants a greater good. His hunger is endless. Do not live by bread alone. Each

concern for freedom is complicated. Because freedom is the most profound, more "expensive" as Dante says, more intimate than a man. Its part impregnable. He can only sell or barter. But no one can shut. But the freedom does not move, does not seek its satisfaction in a kind of pure environment. It is always exposed to the troubled, partial, interests, passions. There is freedom in action at its best, if not saints. And the freedom of movement that are being expressed in these hard days are not "clear." It would be stupid to claim it. But when a man moves for freedom, always asks us all for what you are you moving? We, for what we are moving? And, above all, we are moving? It seems that in many areas of our society is ruled by immobility. Not only that there was no significant change - even in the face of a crisis that if not bread in many cases has taken the bread, or even work - but in the sense of taking responsibility, challenge and sense of risk.

Young Maghreb are risking a lot to have more freedom. What about us? Our young people? If in those contexts the desire for freedom may encourage people to go to the streets here in what is pushing us? The events of recent months in the Italian cities have some wonderful elementary force of the tragic on-going. We are obliged once again to wonder, that the freedom we thought we knew what it is, if we have a real idea. Why risk a lot of those guys who went against their regimes, have done it because they felt drawn against their realization. Freedom is not the conquest of a space, where you can do what you want - as here is often preached by masters of the void - but the tension in goods, in meetings that meet our being men.

freedom pure and impure, is beautiful and troubled search for satisfaction. A man believed to physically or existentially "satisfied" does not manifest any desire to change. Complain to secondary issues. Interest. It will not be a man in motion. He will have no hardness, softness, tenacity of what we see in these days, amid the smoke bombs and our analysis, often put forth to not let either hurt or question really.
David Rondoni

Monday, February 21, 2011

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And holiness is not our work: St. John of the Cross

be loved by God, which is the vocation of all of us and true redemption. Thanks.



Paul VI Hall
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

[ Video ]

St. John of the Cross

Dear brothers and sisters,

two weeks ago I presented the figure of the great English mystic Teresa of Jesus Today I would like to talk about another important saint of the land, spiritual friend of St. Teresa, reformer, along with her family's religious Carmelite St. John of the Cross was proclaimed Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XI in 1926 and nicknamed the tradition mysticus Doctor, "Mystical Doctor".

John of the Cross was born in 1542 in the small village of Fontiveros, near Avila, in Old Castile, Gonzalo de Yepes and Catalina Alvarez. The family was poor, because his father, of noble origin Toledo, was out of the house was disinherited for marrying and Catalina, a humble silk weaver. Lost his father at an early age, John, nine years, he moved with his mother and his brother Francisco, Medina del Campo, near Valladolid, commercial and cultural center. Here he attended the Colegio de los Doctrinos , also performing some menial work for the nuns of the convent church of Mary Magdalene. Then, because of its human qualities and his results in his studies, he was admitted as a nurse in the Hospital of the Conception of the first, then at the Jesuit College, recently founded in Medina del Campo: John came here eighteen years and studied for three years the humanities, rhetoric and classical languages. At the end of training, he was clear about his own vocation and religious life, among the many orders present in Medina, he felt called to Caramel.

summer of 1563 he began his novitiate at the Carmelites of the city, taking the religious name of John of St. Matthias. The following year was assigned to the prestigious University of Salamanca, where he studied for three years, arts and philosophy. In 1567 he was ordained priest and returned to Medina del Campo to celebrate his first Mass surrounded by the affection of family members. Right here was the first meeting between John and Teresa of Jesus The meeting was decisive for both: Teresa explained his plan to reform the Carmelite even in the male branch of the Order and suggested to John to accede "to the greater glory of God", the young priest was fascinated by the ideas of Teresa, and has become a big supporter of the project. The two worked together a few months, sharing ideas and proposals as soon as possible to inaugurate the first house of the Discalced Carmelites: The opening took place December 28, 1568 at Duruelo, lonely place in the province of Avila. By John formed the first community reformed three other male companions. In renewing their religious profession according to the first Rule, the four adopted a new name: John was called then "the Cross", as will then be universally known. At the end of 1572, at the request of Teresa, became confessor and vicar of the monastery of the Incarnation in Avila, where Santa was prioress. They were years of close collaboration and spiritual friendship that enriched both. Α that period are the most important works of the early writings of John and Teresa.

Joining the Carmelite reform was not easy and it cost too much suffering to John. The most traumatic episode was, in 1577, his abduction and his incarceration in the convent of the Carmelites of the Ancient Observance of Toledo, following an unjust accusation. The saint was imprisoned for months, subjected to physical and mental hardships and difficulties. Here he composed, along with other poems, the famous Spiritual Canticle . Finally, on the night between 16 and 17 August 1578, he escaped so adventurous, sheltering in the monastery of Carmelite nuns in the city. Santa Teresa and fellow reformed celebrated with immense joy for his release and, after a short recovery time of the forces, John moved in Andalusia, where he spent ten years in various monasteries, especially in Granada. He took on increasingly important positions in the Order, to become the Vicar Provincial, and completed the drafting of its spiritual treatises. He then returned to his homeland, as a member of the General Government of Teresa's religious family, which now enjoyed full legal autonomy. He lived in Caramel, Segovia, performing the office of superior of the community. In 1591 he was relieved of all responsibility and for the new religious Province of Mexico. While preparing for the long trip with ten other companions, retired to a lonely monastery near Jaén, where he fell seriously ill. John faced with exemplary patience, serenity and enormous suffering. He died on the night between 13 and 14 December 1591, while the brothers recite the Office in the morning. Took leave of them saying: "Today I am going to sing the Office in the sky." His mortal remains were transferred to Segovia. She was beatified by Clement X in 1675 and canonized by Benedict XIII in 1726.

John is considered one of the major lyric poets of English literature. The major works are four Ascent of Mount Caramel, Dark Night, Spiritual Canticle and flame of love alive.

In Spiritual Canticle, St. John presents the process of purification of the soul, namely the progressive joyous possession of God, until the soul comes to feel that love God with the same love with which she is loved by Him The flame of love alive continues in this perspective, describing in detail the state of transforming union with God The comparison used by John is always that of the fire as the fire burns as the timber, the more you do to become red-hot flame, so the Holy Spirit, during the dark night that cleanses and "clean" the soul, over time the lights and heat as if a flame. The life of the soul is a continual feast of the Holy Spirit that reveals the glory of union with God in eternity.

L ' Ascent to Mount Caramel presents the spiritual journey from the point of view of the progressive purification of the soul, to scale the summit of Christian perfection, symbolized by the summit of Mount Caramel. This purification is proposed as a journey man doing, working with the divine action, to free the soul from all attachment or affection contrary to the will of God purification, in order to reach union with God of love must be total, starting with the life of senses and continues with that obtained by means of the three theological virtues: faith, hope and charity, purifying the intention, memory and desire. The Dark Night describes the appearance of "passive", ie God's intervention in this process of "purification" of the soul. Human effort, in fact, is unable by itself to reach the deep roots of evil inclinations and habits of people: it can only slow down, but not eradicate them completely. To do this, you need the special action of God who purifies the spirit and has radically union of love with him St. John calls "passive" such purification, because, although accepted by the soul, is made from ' mysterious action of the Holy Spirit, as a flame of fire, consumes all impurities. In this state, the soul is subjected to every kind of evidence, as if he were in a dark night.

These indications of major works of the saint help us move closer to the highlights of his vast and profound mystical doctrine, whose purpose is to describe a sure way to achieve holiness, the state of perfection to which God calls us all. According to John of the Cross, all that is created by God is good. Through the creatures, we can arrive at the discovery of him in them has left a trace behind. Faith, however, is the only source given to man to know God as He is in Himself as the Triune God. All that God wanted to communicate to man, he has said in Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. Jesus Christ is the one definitive way to the Father (cf. Jn 14.6). Anything that is created is nothing compared to God and nothing is beyond him: consequently, come to perfect love of God, love each other must conform to God's love in Christ. Hence the insistence of St. John of the Cross on the need of the cleansing and emptying of the interior to become God, which is the only goal of perfection. This "purification" is not the mere absence of physical things or their use, what makes the soul pure and free, however, is to eliminate any dependence on disordered things. Everything must be placed in God as the center and end of life. The long and arduous process of purification requires some personal effort, but the true protagonist is God, everything that man can do is "disporsi" be open to the divine action and do not ask obstacles. Living the theological virtues, the man rises and gives value to their commitment. The pace of growth in faith, hope and charity go hand in hand with the work of purification and the progressive union with God to turn him in when we reach this goal, the soul is immersed in the same life Trinity, so that St. John says that it comes to love God with the same love with which He loves, because he loves the Holy Spirit. That's why the Doctor Monk argues that there is no true union of love culminates in union with God except the Trinity. In this state supreme holy soul in God knows everything and does not need more creatures go through to get to Him the soul feels now flooded by divine love and rejoices fully in it.

Dear brothers and sisters, in the end the question remains: this holy mystical with its high, with this arduous journey to the summit of perfection has to say something to us, the Christian living in normal circumstances of this life today or is an example, a model for only a few chosen souls who can actually take this path of purification, mystical ascent? To find the answer we must first keep in mind that the life of Saint John of the Cross was not a "fly in the clouds mystical", but it was a very hard life, very practical and concrete, is to reform, where he encountered much opposition from both the provincial superior, both of his brothers in prison, where he was exposed to incredible abuse and physical abuse. It 'been a hard life, but just in the past months in prison he wrote one of his finest works. And so we can understand that the journey with Christ, walking with Christ, "the Way," is not a burden added to the already hard enough burden of our lives, not something that would make it even heavier this burden, but it's completely different, is a light, a force that helps us to carry this burden. If a man carries with it a great love, love this almost gives wings, and more easily bear all the hardships of life, it carries within it this great light, this is the faith: to be loved by God and be loved by God in Christ Jesus be loved This is the light that helps us to bear the burden of every day. And holiness is not our work very difficult, but it is this "openness" and open the windows of our soul so that God's light can enter, do not forget God because its light is the opening to its strength, there is the joy of the redeemed. Let us ask the Lord to help us find holiness, be loved by God, which is the vocation of all of us and true redemption. Thanks.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Holiday Letter To Salon Clients

Participation in the divine life



St. Peter's Square Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dear brothers and sisters !

In this seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time , scripture readings tell us about the will of God to make men partakers of his life " Be holy, for I the Lord your God, am holy" - reads in the Book Leviticus (19.1). With these words, and the precepts that follow, the Lord called the people he was chosen to be faithful to Him walking on the streets and social legislation based on the commandment "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Lv 19:18). If we listen, then, Jesus, in whom God took a mortal body to be the neighbor of every man and reveal his infinite love for us, we find the same call, the same audacious goal. He says, in fact, the Lord, " Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt 5.48) . But who could become perfect? Our perfection is to live as children of God with humility actually doing his will. St. Cyprian wrote that "the fatherhood of God must be the same behavior as children of God, that God may be glorified and praised the good conduct of man" (De et zeal envy , 15: CCL 3rd, 83).

How can we imitate Jesus? Jesus himself says: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that ye may be sons of your Father in heaven" (Mt 5.44 to 45). Whoever receives the Lord into their lives and loves him with all my heart is capable of a new beginning. He manages to do the will of God: to build a new form of life inspired by love and destined for eternity. The apostle Paul adds: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" (1 Cor 3.16). If we are really aware of this reality, and our lives are deeply molded, then our witness becomes clear, eloquent and effective. A medieval author wrote: "When the whole being of man is, so to speak, mixed love of God, then the splendor of his soul is reflected in appearance" (John Climacus, Scala Paradisi , XXX: PG 88, 1157 B) in the totality of life. "Great thing is the love - we read in ' Imitation of Christ - a good which makes it slightly heavy and it bears all things calmly all things difficult. Love hopes to climb up, without being restrained by anything ground. It comes from God and only God can find rest "(III, V, 3).

Dear friends, tomorrow, February 22, will celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. To him, the first of the apostles, Christ himself entrusted the task of teacher and pastor for the spiritual leader of the People of God, so that it can rise up to heaven. I therefore urge all pastors to "assimilate the "new way of life" which was inaugurated by the Lord Jesus and is taken up by the Apostles "(Letter Priests Convocation Year ). We invoke the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and the Church, that teach us to love one another and to welcome us as brothers, sons of the same heavenly Father.

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Antonio Socci: Great Judgement on Benigni and the unification of Italy and a future

I find myself completely in the trial of Antonio Socci on what was Benigni's performance at the Festival of San Remo.

Thanks Antonio Socci !

But we wanted a comedian to make us feel a people?

Posted: February 19, 2011 02:10 AM PST

Roberto Benigni deserves a big "thanks". Sure, some of the crap said in his performance at the Sanremo Festival.

For example, if I understand (because it bundled with a speech topics overexcited) said it was Mazzini, in 1830, invented the Tricolore. E 'nonsense.

I wonder how he came to mind: the Tricolore was designed by Luigi Zamboni and De Giambattista Rolandis in Bologna in 1794 (I said recently in these columns). It was then taken up - as everyone knows - the Republic Cispadana in 1797. Mazzini was not even born.

benignesco suggestive is the reference to the origins of the Tricolor by Divine Comedy (Purgatorio XXX, 30-33), but unfortunately the actor knows that the Tuscan white, red and green dress Beatrice indicate the three theological virtues, Faith , Hope and Charity, and so the reference to Dante's remains incomplete.

Somebody should explain to Bossi and the League that the Tricolor was born from the banner of the Lombard League (the red cross on a white field that came from the Crusades) and the unification of Italy is largely an 'enterprise Po " .

But who knows if they listen. To return to

Benigni, there are then due all'ingarbugliamento verbal gaffes of the comic, as when he said that Italian culture existed before the nation's nonsense, who knows why echoed by news like a brilliant idea.

meant to say that the Italian nation and culture existed before the unitary state (which is precisely built in 1861).

It was a beautiful idea - that of the Italian culture before the State - which would be investigated. Too bad that he dropped.

And pity that the prayer had celebrated a civil Benigni Risorgimento elementary school a hundred years ago.

It 'been a flood of rhetoric Lombard small lookout. He told a tale full of heroes, young and strong (who died) far removed from reality.

There was even the hint of shadows, of errors and also the horrors of the "conquest of Piedmont."

Benigni said that I think has been great and has done a great thing anyway.

First of all his feelings and his emotions that have touched our hearts and made us feel as our national anthem even an unlikely and somewhat awkward.

Benigni's case is emblematic. Nobody has thought about how strange that a comedian is in fact responsible the only real celebration of the 150th anniversary of Italy (actually Benigni's performance in Sanremo was the most anticipated speeches of the President Napolitano).

In reality there is a deeper reason. And 'the fact that, after fascism, which reduced his love of country to a speck first comic and tragic then (for nationalism, colonialism and the catastrophe of war), the only two ways that Italians, in fifty years a Republican, allowed themselves to be patriotic are the football (the stadium where he played the national team, became the only place where waving the tricolor) and the comedy (See "The Great War" starring Gassman and deaf, for example).

The comic register allows us to tell us that we are indeed proud to be Italian (especially with the legend "Italians good people"), but with a reassuring smile, with the implication that that do not take ourselves too seriously and no one dreams of more to emulate the Roman Empire: in fact, the Italians can only be "accidental heroes", just like Sordi Gassman and in that masterpiece of Monicelli.

Even the stage was emblematic of the celebration of Benigni: the festival of Sanremo and Tv

emblematic because (first) and TV Festival is the temple of feeling national-popular (second) because it fit perfectly into the stereotype more widespread and commonplace - the Italians spaghetti and mandolin - and (third) because they confirm the stereotype even caught for which - ultimately - our art and our culture are the two thousand years the heart of the world (the rest of the festival prides itself on being "Italian music").

There is another small revolution made memorable by Benigni: for half a century the word "homeland" was a taboo for the communist left and the mainstream culture. Just say to be accused of fascism .

Not only that. The Communists had certainly made a great contribution to the country's liberation from fascism, in the partisan war, but the Communist Party was in thrall to Stalin, to a foreign power and threatening enemy of Italy.

To understand what that means it must be remembered that in the most dramatic moment of confrontation between the USSR and the free world, around 1948-1949, when the Red Army was eating half of Europe, enslaving tens of countries in Eastern Europe and reaching Trieste with a hungry and aggressive aims, as a Enrico Berlinguer - the best of that field (at that time leader of FGCI) - stated that in case of war the young people would not fight against the Red Army. He made the same indignant

De Gasperi said that in person, with his tough speech (the link with the USSR's Communist Party last long: even the Soviet funding came up in the late seventies).

again in the eighties - the crucial matter of the missiles (which will cause the changes in Moscow by the collapse of communism) - the Communist Party, rather than siding with NATO to deal with the threat of Soviet missiles targeted on Europe , chose a "pacifism" which actually meant not to defend national interests and benefit the USSR (who knows remember ... if the President Napolitano).

Having said that today we can speak of "home" without ideological taboos of the past, as it did Benigni is a good thing. that together we can acknowledge our past and our country as one family is wonderful .

more so on this anniversary of 150 years of national unity, in which the country seems torn apart by hatred and contempt for each other makes it nearly impossible to identify themselves as one people.

Benigni has been found to play a role that should not be entrusted to a actor, especially a comic actor, but he found religion in his own way to sing a hymn that has united us and nobody would return with equal ease. For a few minutes on mutual hatred and contempt has prevailed in all the feeling of being a people. It has prevailed love for that beautiful thing called Italy.

Antonio Socci

to release, February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Formigoni PPE

So the answer Formigoni (18/2/11) about the ultimate horizon of a policy with a more European ..

His proposal to create the "Italian section of the EPP" is still valid?

Absolutely, I am continuing to work with various members of the PDL, including Alfano, Lease, Saverio Romano and many others. Not only that, our party has taken the initiative to form a foundation for the European People's Party, because he understood the goodness of the proposal. It is absurd, in my opinion, that parties who sit together in Strasbourg are divided in Italy. Of course, we can not ignore the fact that it will be a long and painful because separation and opposition arose on specific responsibilities. But I am convinced that the future of the bipolar Italian will be a part of the parties that are recognized in the EPP (in alliance with a regional party like the Northern League, which is not far from the culture of the European people) and the other, I hope , a modern social democracy with the banning of justice-and extremists.

Most, however, are convinced that the glue will fail when Berlusconi's center-right will risk the implosion of the ...

Look, our ideas will never die. Our ideals are those of the European People's Party: the person, family, freedom, subsidiarity, the employees and the company. Not only that, the shape of the PDL will continue to move forward, provided that each of us knows how to be generous and do not prevail personalities and rivalries.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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February 18, 2011

the long wave MAGHREB

Infection Hamas terrorizes the border at Rafah

is all yellow, eh? The desert sand, cement dust. It is impressive, right? Who would dream of entering, it seems the door of hell .... " Marwan is right. Seen from outside Rafah, with its ocher blanket of dust, there's nothing attractive. If this is a matter of there's really nothing to look charming in this strip of Gaza, here the ruined outskirts of Rafah, Palestinian, from there, quivering like a distant mirage, the Egyptian Rafah, on the left Long Gray Line of desert and the beginning of this 270 km long border between Egypt and Israel is becoming a nightmare for authorities in Tel Aviv and the obsession of the military.

What Marwan my guide does not say, and how could it otherwise?, Is that suddenly the world seems upside down, things do not go back there, everything is upside down: not only no one wants to get to Rafah, but no longer able to leave since Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip since 2007, has lined up the men of the Ezzedin al-Qassam Brigades on the border, on the "Philadelphi Corridor", which has always been the safety valve and communicating with the outside world. Hamas that shuts down. Why? "But it's simple: the most Egyptians can not be trusted, in Rafah beyond the border overlooking the chaos, the police did not check anything, there are bands of Bedouins who intercepted the goods, kidnap people, demand protection money . So we closed the door. Farewell valves ".

Now that border is guarded by a Hamas hard, with their tripod and binoculars from a distance leaning over to sip every meter of the border, ocher cloud permitting. From a distance, do not seem so different from Israeli soldiers. A few miles away soldiers with the Star of David have the same apprehension. Earlier this month someone has blown up the pipeline el-Arish in northern Sinai, leaving Jordan and Israel - which derives from the Egyptian gas to 40% of its needs - with a sudden lack of energy. For this, notwithstanding the Camp David Accords, Netanyahu has agreed to drain 800 soldiers of the Egyptian army in the area.

The police no longer enough. But even the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) seems sufficient. Just consider the fool remedied recently by the director of intelligence, Kochi Aviv, on the eve of the insurrection Egyptian declared before the Knesset: "The stability of Mubarak is not in question, and the Muslim Brotherhood are not yet prepared to aim to succeed." All wrong, as we have seen, and now the pau 'ra resurfaces silent, as in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, far away from that border in Sinai, but psychologically very close to those Askhelon, Sderot to those accustomed to deal daily with Gaza . But one of perverse twist of history, at this time Hamas shows have the same heartache, the same fears, perhaps the same interests of Israel before the unknown in Egypt.

As the Israeli prime minister said yesterday, "we hope for the best, but prepare ourselves for the worst. " Do not joke, the lords of Hamas. Asma al-Ghoul, the most famous blogger in the Gaza Strip should know. In December, his brother Mustafa was arrested by police in Gaza for taking an active part in organizing non-profit 30 Sharek Youth Forum, the embryo of the symbolic protest last year that first shook the torpor of the Strip. "They were all young - he said - demanded to live, to be free from the chains, even those of Hamas, not only of Israel." It ended badly. Hamas has made arrests, devastated the headquarters, accused the youth of Sharek "because according to them - continues Asthma - teaching dance, gymnastics and immorality to the girls. " There is another nice

. A month ago, a Palestinian journalist close to Fatah, a-Muheib Nawati, disappeared after his arrival in Syria. He had written a book "from Hamas." It is not easy to explain what became Gaza after the Egyptian Revolution. "A fortress, of course, Hamas has a lot of fear - says Chantal Meloni, Italian researcher of criminal law and former consultant to the Hague Tribunal's house in Gaza - because he has to hold together opposing forces: this side of the extremists and radicals across the people has passed and perhaps the most voted out but is now trapped in this sort of regime. That is fully understood, because even in the West Bank the Palestinian Authority Abu Mazen does the same things, stop torture, stifling dissent. " In fact something in common with the rebels and their separated brethren Hamas Fatah really have it: Both have beaten the holy reason the Palestinians in recent days were taken to the streets staging anti-Mubarak demonstrations. "The shocking news of fear, uncertainty - Graeme Bannerman said the Middle East Institute in Jerusalem - of not knowing what will happen tomorrow. It should be also included Israel, thirty-two years on security at the border due to the Camp David accords that crumble in three weeks. "
A treaty which in its own way was also convenient for Hamas, which with the Rafah tunnels built up a turnover of 600 million dollars a year in an area dominated by chronic unemployment touching 45% and that the same time has created a caste of "Lords of the tunnel" merchants of cement, tools, gas station that made fat profits with Egypt and the Gaza Strip, while ensuring the continued maintenance of these underground tunnels (at least 1200 times gold Today only 500 in assets and only 100 in operation). Hamas was limited to politicians to impose price: 36 euro cents per liter gasoline, 40 cents against the euro and that charges Abu Mazen in the West Bank. "But that mechanism is now missing - says Chantal Meloni - and the price crisis strangles even more the Strip."

goods that pass by the tunnel now cost much more, the Bedouins we put a surcharge, not everything arrives intact. Even concrete, leave the tunnel we see in big bundles from which come crumbling scrolls gray blends with the desert dust and at least offer some explanation to the yellowish cloud overlooking Gaza, a hood that contains symbolic fear and hypocrisy over the most densely populated corner of the world. Sad parable to Hamas when they won the general election in 2007, the watchword was: enough with the corruption of Fatah. Now the movement of the late Yasser Arafat to Hamas of three years later looks like a drop of water restrictions, prohibitions, arrests, under the counter business, privileges granted only to party leaders (the only ones which have been completely rebuilt the houses affected in 2009 by Israeli bombing during Operation Lead Time). It seems materializes so merciless diagnosis of Noam Chomsky: The Middle East viscerally afraid of democracy, independence, freedom of thought. We will never un'uprising, an uprising in Gaza?

I do not think - says the lawyer in The Hague - are too resigned, too scared. " Israel knows this, and indeed his fears are others. Political and military thinking over al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Iranian ships sailing to Suez, think of the terrorists escaped from prison and re-appeared on Egyptian TV screens Hezbollah in Lebanon or Gaza to be greeted with triumph. And they think that the infection can be spread as a seismic wave through the Sinai and the Negev, near the lands of that other restless until recently considered safe, the last that remains: the Hashemite Jordan. And it is there, in the now troubled reign of Abdullah II we are going to bring us.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Dose Twiztid Mean

The Patience of Christ to love us and make us

in our world there is a skeptical consciousness, inertia against the good and true.
We are almost tired of inviting others to the possibility of new life. But today
(MC 8: the Bethsaida blind) Christ tells us that He is tired and has persisted despite the ungrateful stop to which we submit it, the ungrateful rejection of thanks from the opportunities that it offers.
Then his work of salvation, though with difficulty, progressive stages of lighting our faces in our expectation of a definitive abandonment. | il quotidiano approfondito

SECULARITY '/ John Waters as the' incredulous "St. Thomas teaches us to return Christians

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I often think that St. Thomas, the one called "faithless" does not deserve the bad reputation that comes with it. If I was asked a boy, when I heard the stories of the Gospel constantly with their interpretations, I do not think I would have put far from Judas Thomas the list of bad guys. But is it right?
Doubting Thomas was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, also known as Didymus, which in greek means "twin," as Thomas in Hebrew. The term "unbeliever" was given following his initial refusal to believe that Christ was resurrected from the dead, until he saw the wounds.

The Gospel of John tells us that after the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to some disciples when Thomas was not present. John says (20:25): "They told him then the other apostles, 'We have seen the Lord' But he said to them: 'If you do not see in his hands the marks of the nails and put my finger in the place of the nails and put my hand into his side, I do not believe it'. "
Eight days later, Jesus appeared to His disciples, and this time there was also Thomas, "Jesus came, the doors were locked, and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you' Then he said to Thomas, 'Put your finger here and see my hands, put out your hand and put it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing' Thomas replied: 'My Lord and my God ' Then Jesus said to him: 'Because you have seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe' "(John 20.26-29).

Jesus' words are usually interpreted as a sort of condemnation for those who need evidence to believe. However, a closer reading, I realized that Jesus is not contemptuous Thomas as it thought. In reality, he is very kind and patient, allowing Thomas to examine His wounds and saying it's good that I now believe, while affirming the goodness of those who believe without seeing, calling them "blessed", but does not say that Thomas is the less.
The distinction that Jesus makes is between those who want evidence, and who do not, but between those who have personally seen and who has not seen in this second category includes almost all Christians lived so far, including all of us who live now .

Upon reflection, I do not think Jesus would say that there is greater value if we believe without evidence, much less that you would attach more value to a belief not based on evidence, but that would distinguish between two different types of evidence: that given by eyes and that based on credible witnesses.
If faith is based on mere sentiment or on a superficial concept of obedience, it becomes less robust and more susceptible to skepticism. The best form of faith is that which freely explores the entire field of the doubt, considering all available evidence, as did Thomas.

The faith of Christians today is certainly not ignorant of the evidence. We have the hard evidence of the reality, the evidence of our existence and of its mysterious nature, the evidence of the response of less consideration than we can give: to wonder "what is". We also have evidence of the Gospels and of the hundreds of testimonies, containing their stories, consciously or not, we weighed our reason since childhood, evaluating their plausibility in the same way Doubting Thomas faced the evidence before him. Having given voice to the deep uncertainties of the seed, has become a witness for us more important than many others.

many other references in the Gospels we learn that Thomas, on several occasions, has proved one of the most determined among the apostles, courageous and faithful. When others tried to keep Jesus from returning to Bethany to raise Lazarus, as the inhabitants of that city had tried to stone him (John 11:8), Thomas bursts out: "Let us also go to die with Him" \u200b\u200b(John 11:16). And it is he who puts Jesus in one of the most famous questions of the Gospel: "Lord we do not know where to go, how can we know the way?". Jesus replied: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. " (John 14.5-6).

In this modern age like no other in disbelief, in which a false form of reason has cut off our culture the meaning of much that is obvious, the importance of the doubting Thomas is likely to be elected by patron of today's culture, marked by secularism and its relativism, its concept of reason and its reduced tendency to pessimism as a first response to reality. It is the "twin" the modern Christian, my sister .. and perhaps ... even your own?
"It is a St. Thomas" is a phrase used in our culture to describe someone who refuses to believe direct evidence, physical, personal, and in this sense we can say that fully encompasses the position of the culture. In fact, a reasonable skepticism is not an unfortunate trait in a person intelligent. As the Pope continues to remind us, the understanding of faith has also become understanding of reality. There is nothing to fear from the search for a test: the problem is how we come to evaluate this test and what we choose to do with it.

not I believe that Jesus, by His response to Thomas, wants to invite us to reduce this desire for evidence in favor of a moralistic blind adherence to the idea that believing in itself is preferable to a rigorous approach in the search for truth. At most, may have wished to suggest that rather than suspend our openness to believe, is more useful for us to suspend our skepticism until we have considered all aspects and not only what our eyes tell us. If something was convicted was quell'empirismo that demands the total provability to justify the acceptance of a proposal.
why I wonder if we have not been unfair to the doubting Thomas. Perhaps, in his skepticism, he gave us a witness to which we adhere in a more concrete and, with its insistence on evidence, we proposed an example to follow and a story in which skepticism has been dissolved by an event, evidenced by the Gospel of John, also allows us to believe without "seeing" yourself.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stream South Park Iphone Xepisodes


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hemroids Around Menstruation Time

I will not go: Marina Corradi

fact from what we read about in Marina Corradi do not understand why, even you understand it very well, let's call it by its true name: political manipulation and that's it. How old is the Velino? As Renzo Arbore satirized long ago with his girls Cluck or how long Italians have accepted the pastime of the girls or Drive In Strike Grosso, do you remember? Just at the present time there is a reverse lay on the costumes amazing and especially by those who were stubborn opponents of any form of traditional good life ... oh!

February 12, 2011

I will not go, and I reflect

Those questions weigh

At women who take to the streets tomorrow, in a sort of uprising against the image of a woman coming out of a month of celebrations and confessions Chronicles of escort, I would ask questions. The "manifesto" of the initiative speaks of "cultural chasm" of "Italy reduced to a brothel" - Excuse us readers, but this is the "spirit of time." Someone, someone has noticed time of queues at the studios where you choose the future valleys, or spread the dream of entering the "stable" Lele Mora, a dream that some are willing to do anything. "If not now, when 'is the cry of the event tomorrow. And it seems the cry of those late has looked around and found that the current climate does not like.

The first question is therefore where there were so many that come out tomorrow, in these twenty years. Most of them come from that culture that is the legacy of feminism and Sixty-eight out of time: the culture of "I have mine," he preached the full autonomy of a woman finally free from past conditioning, sexist or - worse - religious. We remember the excitement of this release, thirty years ago: freedom, he declared that generation of twentysomethings, to politics, to study and work, the free refuse proud to be "women subject" free of marriage fate as required, free, thanks to the pill and legal abortion, the ancient yoke of unwanted motherhood.
The second question then is what has been inherited, these real or perceived freedom, by his daughters. Something must have stuck in the generational transmission, if not a few, especially in social classes more modest decline as the total availability of this freedom themselves, also make themselves look like things, if necessary, and if it's worth it. It is the "system" that uses and exploits women, you will cry in the streets - in one place where I will not go. But those are our children, grew up watching television perhaps, but polite from us. Have you read the poll Ilvo Diamonds asking if Italians consider the attitudes of Berlusconi 'offensive against women "? Only 37 percent of girls answered yes, and only 28 percent of the thirties. In short, the prospect of being in meteorinas VIP parties, or to use their beauty to "reach" is not so quickly retried. Brainwashed by decades of facial tissues? But families, and mothers, where they were? Suddenly discover that girls of twelve years, in most families but not only abandoned them, dream in the mirror "that" success and do not know, but not for long, what do you do to grab. You not perceive today? We Catholics were then advanced retrograde? On

Republic, however, a university professor puts this distinction: "One thing is that one chooses the values \u200b\u200bof the seat, as the best of himself and more useful and quite another thing is that so orders another." Typical variation of that ethical relativism that has long been the only thought required. According to which nothing is objectively bad, if one freely chooses to sell, nothing to say. But what we take to the streets to challenge tomorrow? The girls, stars, valleys, we have seen meteors pull papers are - mostly - those capable of understood. And then? Perhaps the problem is bigger, but really to sell, or agree to appear as a beautiful object - free or not that is the choice - is not degrading in itself, is not contrary to the dignity of a woman or a man? There was a thing of the primary objective of which was thrown away along with the rest thirty years ago, when he shouted "The uterus is mine and manage it"?. The last question, the most important is: what is transmitted to a daughter, why not dream, deep down, to meet Lele Mora? Just talking about "decency"? (Strange find in mouths lay this old term "bigot"). What we believe, write about a son's pride is not for sale is that you never hear from day one, and loved, and not by chance, but within a common destiny and good, to know that that fate is a task that ties him to the other, and can not be solved arbitrariness of the game more convenient or faster. It is the certainty of authentic Christians, and perhaps the best of the laity - whose hopes, however, now seem lost or defeated. Without this certainty of the absolute value of each, not surprisingly, is conceived to sell - and how then, for women and men, are many. If anyone told you that you have no money, and your value is infinite.
Marina Corradi