No fullness of life except perhaps in the Holy Spirit.
So we do not do anything accomplished and unsatisfactory to us and to others if not in this action started and completed by Spirito.Bellissima this expression:
Inside this embrace, be caught in this you can accomplish all our work which we understand to be not in our reality.
himself "fills" the commandments of God with love
Square San Pietro
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Dear brothers and sisters!
In the liturgy of this Sunday continues the reading of the "Sermon on the Mount of Jesus, which occupies chapters 5, 6 and 7 of the Gospel of Matthew. After the "Beatitudes" that it is his way of life, Jesus proclaimed the new law, its Torah, as they call our Jewish brethren. In fact, the Messiah at his coming, would bring the revelation of the Final Act, and that is what Jesus said: "I do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets: I came not to abolish but to give its full completion. " And, turning to his disciples, he adds: "Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 5,17.20). But what is this "fullness" of the Law of Christ, and this "superior" He demands that justice?
Jesus explains through a series of the antithesis between the old commandment is the way he repeated. Every time begins: "You have heard that the ancients were told ..." and then says: "But I tell you ...." For example: "You have heard that the ancients were told," Do not kill, and whoever kills shall be submitted to the court. " But I say to every one who is angry with his brother shall be submitted to court "( Mt 5:21-22). And so six times. This caused a great way to talk to the people who remained scared, because that 'I I say "was tantamount to claiming for himself the same authority of God, the source of law. The news of Jesus is, essentially, that he himself "fills" the commandments of God with love , with the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in Him And we, through faith in Christ, we can open action of the Holy Spirit, who enables us to live God's love . So every precept becomes true as a requirement of love, and all reunite in a single commandment: love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. "Fullness of the law is love," writes St. Paul ( Rm 13:10). Faced with this requirement, for example, the pitiful case of the four Roma children died last week on the outskirts of this city, burned in their hut, requires asking whether a more united and fraternal love more coherent, more than Christian could not have avoided such a tragic event. And this question applies to many other painful events, more or less known, that occur daily in our cities and our countries.
Dear friends, it is perhaps no coincidence that the very first preaching of Jesus is called "Sermon on the Mount! Moses went up Mount Sinai to receive God's Law and bring it the Chosen People. Jesus is the Son of God who came down from heaven to take us to heaven, at God's love on the road. Indeed, he himself is this way: we can not help but follow him, to implement the will of God and enter into his kingdom, eternal life. One creature has already reached the mountain top: the Virgin Mary. Because of union with Jesus, his righteousness was perfect: this is why we call Speculum iustitiae . Let us entrust ourselves to you, because they also guide our steps in fidelity to the law of Christ.
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