1) The Pope stands before us still a stretch of road that we must do for the next few days of February.
We believe that the point made is that relating to the use of the gift received
And what is this gift?
seems clear trace proproprio in Wisdom that comes from the encounter with Christ, Himself uncreated Wisdom.
The Pope tells us that this wisdom is what gives depth and texture, flavor that is, the man who follows Christ.
2) The Light of the Christian as intelligence, affection and taste like salt-embrace the world he created as the result of participation and the thickness strasfigurante attention to those who have been attacked by the evil of the disease for which the compassion of Christ is his total identification until the foretaste and then participate in his own resurrection.
St. Peter's Square Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011
Dear brothers and sisters!
In this Sunday's Gospel the Lord Jesus tells his disciples: "You are the salt of the earth ... You are the light of the world" (Mt 5,13.14). Through these images full of meaning, he wants to convey to them the meaning of their mission and their testimony. The salt in the culture Middle East, it evokes different values \u200b\u200bof the alliance, solidarity, life and wisdom. Light is the first work of God the Creator and the source of life, the same Word of God is compared to light, as the Psalmist proclaims: "a lamp to my feet Your word is a light to my path" (Ps 119:105). And always in today's liturgy the prophet Isaiah says, "If you open your heart to the hungry, if sazierai the afflicted of heart, then shine your light in the darkness, your darkness will be as the noonday" (58, 10). Wisdom embodies the beneficial effects of salt and light fact, the Lord's disciples are called to give new "flavor" to the world, and to preserve it from corruption, with the wisdom of God, fully that shines on the face of the Son, because He is the "true light that enlightens every man" ( Jn 1:9). United with him, Christians can spread through the darkness of indifference and selfishness the light of God's true wisdom that gives life meaning and doing of men.
On 11 February, memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, we celebrate the World Day of the Sick. It is occasion to reflect, to pray and to increase the sensitivity of the ecclesial community and civil society towards the brothers and sisters who are sick. In Message for this Day, inspired by an expression of First Letter of Peter: "By his wounds you were healed" (2:24) invite everyone to contemplate Jesus, the Son of God, who has suffered, died, but rose again. God is diametrically opposed to the power of evil. The Lord cares for every situation, it shares the pain and opens the heart to hope. I therefore urge all health workers to recognize nell'ammalato not only a body marked by weakness, but first of all a person to whom to donate all the solidarity and provide appropriate responses and competent. In this context, recall also that in Italy today marks the "Day for Life". I hope that all should strive to grow the culture of life, to put the center in all circumstances, the value of human beings. According to the faith and the reason for the dignity of the person is irreducible to its faculties or capabilities that may occur, and therefore does not end when the person himself is weak, disabled and in need of help.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us invoke the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary, so that parents, grandparents, teachers, the priests and those engaged in educating the younger generation may be the wisdom of the heart, for they reach the fullness of life.
After the Angelus:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
these days, I follow with attention the delicate situation of the beloved nation of Egypt. I pray to God that this land, blessed by the presence of the Holy Family, find the tranquility and peaceful coexistence, the commitment shared for the common good.
a cordial greeting to the delegation of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rome, accompanied by the Cardinal Vicar, at the conference sponsored by Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology on the subject of health care in pregnancy. When the scientific and technological research is driven by genuine ethical values \u200b\u200bcan find appropriate solutions for the warmth of unborn life and the promotion of motherhood. I hope that new generations of health care are the bearers of a renewed culture of life. Je salue
cordialement Pèlerins les francophones. Dans l'Evangile de ce dimanche, affirm the Christ que nous sommes "la lumière du monde". Puissions-nous accueillir comme un appel de son message et une mission qu'il nous aujourd'hui conference! Alors que nous venons celebrate cette semaine de la fête of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple which is also the Day of Consecrated Life, I invite you to pray and give thanks for all consecrated persons. Their essential role in the Church testify that the love of Christ can fulfill human life, and stimulate Christians to walk in the joy of holiness. May the Virgin Mary accompanies us on this journey! Have a nice stay! I greet all
The Français-speaking Pilgrims and Visitors present at this Angelus prayer. In today's Gospel, Jesus Urges U.S. to make light shine o Before Others, To the praise of Our Father in heaven. May the Light of Christ purify All Our thoughts and actions. As the Church celebrates the World Day of the Sick on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, may that same light bring hope and healing to those who are ill. Upon you and your loved ones, I invoke the blessings of Almighty God.
I cordially greet all the German guests. The Gospel of this Sunday reflects a portion of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus. Christ speaks to the people who follow him, and calls it "light of the world" (Mt 5:14). A city set on the mountain can not be hidden, he says. It is also necessary to follow Christ visible and brooks no retreat. Let us ask the Lord to make us faithful witnesses, that the truth Christi Liebe und die in der Welt verbreiten. Herr der Stärke und euch eure Familien mit seiner Gnade.
I cordially greet the English-speaking pilgrims participating in this Marian prayer, in particular to groups of parishes of Christ the King, of Zamora, the Resurrection of the Lord, Segovia, and Santa Joaquina de Vedruna, Barcelona . With today's liturgy, I invite you all to be a reflection of the love of God through good works, and if so light of the world and salt of the earth, to inspire in all the horizon of the real reason for their existence and the ultimate hope that Christ brought to earth. May the Virgin Mary protect and accompany you in the way of faith. Happy Sunday.
nice welcome pilgrims from Vrhnika in Slovenia! Let your pilgrimage will help you according to the Gospel that we heard today at Holy Mass, is increasingly becoming salt of the earth and light of the world. Let me be with you my blessing!
[ Saluto cordialmente i Pellegrini to Vrhnika and Canada! Il vostro pellegrinaggio you aiuti affinché, secondo il che abbiamo Vang ascoltato Durante la liturgia odierna, sempre di più diventiate il sale della terra e la luce mondo part. You accompagni la mia Benedizione! ]
uczestniczących Pozdrawiam w modlitwie "Anioł Pańska" Polaków. "WY jesteście sol ziemi. Wy jesteście light of the world "(Mt 5, 13-14). This is the duty and privilege of the disciples of Christ, flowing from today's Gospel. As salt gives flavor to dishes, and the light allows us to see the space and color, as witness of our lives may lead everyone to believe, indicates the space of God, His beauty and love. I wish you a good Sunday and I cordially bless you all.
[ Saluto and Polacchi partecipanti tutti alla Preghiera dell'Angelus. "Voi siete il sale della terra ... Voi siete la luce del mondo" (Mt 5, 13-14): ecco l'impegno e il Privilegio dei Discepoli di Gesù that come from today's Gospel. As salt gives taste to food and light we can see the size and color, so the witness of faith to lead all our lives, providing them with a dimension of God, His beauty and love. I wish you all a good Sunday and I cordially bless you. ]
greet the Italian-speaking pilgrims, especially the families of the Movement of familiar and on this night, in the parish church of St. Gregory VII, kept vigil before the Blessed Sacrament praying for persecuted Christians and religious freedom . I greet the faithful from Brescia and Vigodarzere, and those of the Roman parish of Santa Maria Goretti. I wish you all a good Sunday, a good week. Best wishes to you all. Good Sunday.
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