Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rapadura Brown Sugar Substitute

Rondoni: Maghreb to freedom

Freedom cry. That awaken our

Freedom cry. It talks about the web, talk about our newspapers. The crazy schemes that are challenging and bombs, ten power structures, question our freedom. Subject themselves to danger and violence across the Maghreb and the Arab world for bread and freedom. I would like first of all possible policy analysis, for fear of future scenarios, the accusations of speculation on commodities, and before the awareness of the consequences, especially in Italy you will, come, straight as a sword, the big question: freedom moving men. Even where it seems impossible.

Sure, they ask for bread riots along with freedom. Situations become intolerable from the point of view of society have turned on their head. But as always happens, the misconduct and the need for a particular good (the bread) showed a more obvious the lack of a greater good (freedom). The man is like that. He always wants a greater good. His hunger is endless. Do not live by bread alone. Each

concern for freedom is complicated. Because freedom is the most profound, more "expensive" as Dante says, more intimate than a man. Its part impregnable. He can only sell or barter. But no one can shut. But the freedom does not move, does not seek its satisfaction in a kind of pure environment. It is always exposed to the troubled, partial, interests, passions. There is freedom in action at its best, if not saints. And the freedom of movement that are being expressed in these hard days are not "clear." It would be stupid to claim it. But when a man moves for freedom, always asks us all for what you are you moving? We, for what we are moving? And, above all, we are moving? It seems that in many areas of our society is ruled by immobility. Not only that there was no significant change - even in the face of a crisis that if not bread in many cases has taken the bread, or even work - but in the sense of taking responsibility, challenge and sense of risk.

Young Maghreb are risking a lot to have more freedom. What about us? Our young people? If in those contexts the desire for freedom may encourage people to go to the streets here in what is pushing us? The events of recent months in the Italian cities have some wonderful elementary force of the tragic on-going. We are obliged once again to wonder, that the freedom we thought we knew what it is, if we have a real idea. Why risk a lot of those guys who went against their regimes, have done it because they felt drawn against their realization. Freedom is not the conquest of a space, where you can do what you want - as here is often preached by masters of the void - but the tension in goods, in meetings that meet our being men.

freedom pure and impure, is beautiful and troubled search for satisfaction. A man believed to physically or existentially "satisfied" does not manifest any desire to change. Complain to secondary issues. Interest. It will not be a man in motion. He will have no hardness, softness, tenacity of what we see in these days, amid the smoke bombs and our analysis, often put forth to not let either hurt or question really.
David Rondoni


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