not be weary, do not worry, do not follow false satisfaction!
Yes, but how?
the Pope invites us to abandon ourselves to God the Father, we find that even at this tender Providence mother. 'He who has created the mother's heart!
A love that searches us in every phase, which does not abandon us and leave us a moment that if the hand is to make us walk with our legs and realize what direction we really want to go.
We need to think and to do this week in memory of this passionate love and be surprised to see him. We ask for this to himself!
Home > Church > News of 02/27/2011 13:47:41
The Pope's Angelus remember that you can not serve two masters: God and wealth, then calls to live with simplicity and sobriety
We can not serve two masters: God and wealth. The Pope at the Angelus asks to have faith in Providence and to adopt a simple lifestyle and sober, respect for creation. The service Roberta Gisotti:
Trusting in Providence and I commend all the anxieties, difficulties and concerns for the future. The invitation of Benedict XVI, inspired by the words of Isaiah in the Sunday liturgy and the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus exhorts his disciples not to worry about things that go looking for the Gentiles, so do not ask "What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear "and to trust in our Heavenly Father who knows our needs. A discussion of this Jesus - said the Pope - that "might seem unrealistic, if not evasive," "considering the situation of many people, both near and far, living in misery."
"In fact, the Lord wants us to understand clearly that you can not serve two masters; God and wealth. Those who believe in God the Father, full of love for her children, gives top priority to the search of his kingdom, his will. "
"And that - said the Holy Father - is the very opposite of fatalism or a naive irenicism."
"Faith in Providence, in fact, not exempt from the hard struggle for a dignified life but free from care and fear for the things of tomorrow. "
"It 's clear that this teaching of Jesus - added Benedict XVI - though still true and valid for all, is practiced in ways different according to different vocations "
" a Franciscan friar will follow in a more radical, while a family must take account of their duties to the wife and children. In any case, however, the Christian is characterized by absolute trust in Heavenly Father, as was Jesus '
It' just because "the relationship with God the Father - explained the Pope - that gives meaning to the whole life of Christ, in his words, his deeds of salvation, until his passion, death and resurrection.
"Jesus showed us what means to live with his feet firmly on the ground, alert to the concrete situations of others, and at the same time keeping my heart in Heaven, immersed in God's mercy. "
the Mother of Divine Providence Pope Benedict XVI has entrusted our lives, the Church's journey, the vicissitudes of history.
"In particular, let us invoke his intercession so that we all learn to live a more simple and sober style in everyday activity and in respect of creation, that God has entrusted to our custody."
After the Marian prayer, greetings in various languages \u200b\u200bto the faithful and tourists gathered in the square S. Peter. Went to a particular address is reached in representation on the International Day for rare diseases, which the Pope has secured a special prayer, wishing to progress research in this field. Day to be celebrated tomorrow under the slogan "Rare but equal."
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