Friday, February 25, 2011

Long Island Gaycrusing

The future of 'Friendship

Thanks to Father Lombardi, who on this day in which the liturgy recalls the deep meaning of friendship, we are invited to open the endless boundaries of the Heart and Reason!

not fear, but friendship Father Lombardi's editorial on the tensions in Arab countries

on events in recent weeks that are shaking the Arab countries focuses our director, Father Federico Lombardi , in his editorial for Octava Dies , the weekly information of the Vatican Television Center: RealAudio MP3

The accompanying violence - in particular in Libya - the resistance to the spread of the movement of transformation of the political situation in Arab countries are of course a source of great sorrow for the suffering of victims and populations, as well as concerns about the outcome of the process in progress, since violence always threatens to make the peace more difficult. Certainly in many countries it is a great revolution, experts hope that with the eye of observers see as a possible "springtime of the Arab world." I recognize that Western nations were being educated largely by surprise. Many understand that any real growth of the Arab peoples in freedom and democracy must come primarily from within, without outside interference counterproductive. Others have especially fear and tend to close in defense. It seems to us that in addition to availability and initiative needed due respect for the real help in difficult situations that any transformation carries with it profound, and then the friendship and dialogue between peoples and cultures, now more than ever before.

The request for news among young people, there are two major components to be considered. Through links with emigration, many have a positive idea of \u200b\u200bthe European world, human rights, democracy and freedom. Thanks to the new possibilities of communication, many feel open to dialogue and willing to be part of a worldwide community. As always, new possibilities are also related to new risks. But if they are not used for their positive, negative certainly prevail.

If close to us, on the southern shore of quell'ormai narrow sea is the Mediterranean, there are many young people eager to human growth in larger freedom, we can not do everything in us to enter without fear into positive dialogue with them, learning to each other our different languages.


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